Evidence of the glory of God!
pastor Genadyi Shaulov:
"Before I appeared in the rehabilitation center, I was 13 years in serious dependence, constantly took heavy drug. It was judged 5 times. I stayed in prison of 15 years, i.e. I carried out nearly a half of the life in isolation..." sequel
Leonid Bondarenko :
"Me, Leonid Bondarenko, came to Israel from Moldova in 1996 and came with the problem of alcoholism, thinking that in a new country everything would be in a different way..." sequel
Konstantin Basin:
Finally, I got sick of it, and somewhere deep inside I began to pray God about salvation.....Jesus heard me and on 12.06.2012 took me to Himself, to the rehabilitation center in Katsrin, to the Man's warm House. I couldn't believe! The next day I woke up – and there is no desire to smoke! Within three months I stayed in God's grace, until I went away…. sequel
I came to Israel from Latvia, Riga. For many years I had been drinking, was married several times ...Eventually, I was left without a home. One day I saw an advertisement that there was a place, where people in my situation could get help. And there was a phone number on which it was necessary to call. sequel
Sergey Ostapenko
I arrived from Odessa in 1999 with the purpose to change the life because previously I had only prisons and drugs... But as brains and habits remained the same, I quickly started doing the same things from what I had left. Then I began to use heavy drugs. sequel