I came to Israel from Latvia, Riga. For many years I had been drinking, was married several times ...Eventually, I was left without a home. One day I saw an advertisement that there was a place, where people in my situation could get help. And there was a phone number on which it was necessary to call.
I have kept this number, but called only after half a year, and the woman who responded, arrived and took me in a state of intoxication and was driving for many hours to that city, to the place, where God accepted me in His hands. God bless this woman with health, mom Nellie, the mother of our pastor Gennady Shaulov. God rescued me through her.
Now I'm fine ,I have job, a new family … I got acquainted with my wife ,being already the believer, and the Lord connected our hearts. (Here certificate of my wife Victoria).
I wish you all only one- that you come to God and you had more faith!