We are the family, which was born in Jesus Christ in the rehabilitation center of the Congregation "Living Israel" in which pastor Vladimir Kryuchkov had become our spiritual guide and father.
My name is Gennady. I am the pastor of the church and of the rehabilitation center in Katzrin. The center is called "Light of the Golan Heights". My wife Natalya is my assistant. She is a leader in female houses. ( to write to the pastor).
"Come to me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest”
(Matthey 11; 28)
Certificate of the pastor Gennady.
Certificate of the wife of the pastor Gennady - Natalya Shaulova.
Gennady and Natalya's testimonies. (in developing)
Tthis is our blessing that God has given us in His mercy in Jesus Christ!
Great joy in our family:
On June 23, 2013 Natalia’s parents, watching a pure and holy life of their daughter, gave theirhearts and lives to the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank God for our families!
mom and dad a pastor's wife.